Dream Catalyst
Are you ready to dream again? Let's embark on a journey together to uncover and discover your God-given dreams, ignite inspiration in your life, and empower you to pursue those dreams daily! If God has planted a dream in your heart, trust that He will provide everything necessary for its fulfillment — the right connections, the right people, the perfect timing for all of it and more. Have faith, believe in yourself and dare to dream BIG!
Dream Catalyst
Ignite Your Dreams - With Joan Daniels
From Physical Therapist to Leadership Coach, Daniels has been fighting for people’s dreams for her entire career. As a physical therapist, Joan specialized in neuro rehab and wound care and often saw patients who had forgotten their dreams. As an entrepreneur and leadership coach, Joan’s job was to help women reignite their dreams and walk them out. Hear what it takes and the top tips for how to start living your dreams now! Get inspired to take your next steps!