Dream Catalyst
Are you ready to dream again? Let's embark on a journey together to uncover and discover your God-given dreams, ignite inspiration in your life, and empower you to pursue those dreams daily! If God has planted a dream in your heart, trust that He will provide everything necessary for its fulfillment — the right connections, the right people, the perfect timing for all of it and more. Have faith, believe in yourself and dare to dream BIG!
Dream Catalyst
My Crazy Journey to Health with Joan Daniels
Episode 6 - My Crazy Journey to Health with Joan Daniels
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you battling your weight? Do you battle depression? Have some chronic health issues or other mood disorders? Tune in to hear Joan Daniels’ crazy health journey…and all that she has learned along the way!! Joan has lost over 100 pounds 5 times in her life and has finally found what she has been searching for since she was about 5 years old!!! Joan has reversed Type 2 Diabetes, Chrons Disease, Depression, Sleep Apnea, Fatty Liver Disease, Joint Pain, Inflammation, brain fog and High Blood Pressure in a short period of time and is OFF all medication!!! Please listen, get inspired and share with a friend who might need to hear this as well! YOU DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY!! We need you out there THRIVING!! This information NEEDS to get out to the world! Please hit like and subscribe and share it with the world!
» Watch my Other videos :
▶️ Episode 1: Dream Catalyst Podcast – Ignite Your Dreams
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fipnFxVfRaQ
▶️ Episode 2: Dream Catalyst Podcast 2 - I'm a Mess
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJya8HBb-QE
▶️ Episode 3: Dream Catalyst Podcast 3 - The Folly of our False Identity with Author - Kelsey Daniels Part 1
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z3_L5nNVFA
▶️ Episode 4: DREAM CATALYST - Vision for Your Dream Home with Lisa Little
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z3_L5nNVFA
▶️ Episode 5: DREAM CATALYST - Dreams Do Come True with Jan Van Blarcum PhD
👉 https://youtu.be/HUuT7cjtF_c
Check out the many cookbooks by Maria Emmerich & Craig Emmerich as well, specifically the book, The Protein-Sparing Modified Fast Method: Over 120 Recipes to Accelerate Weight Loss & Improve Healing by Maria Emmerich & Craig Emmerich for the 1-3 lean meat days method Joan talks about!
Podcast about Carnivore diet and mental health:
Book: Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: A Powerful Plan to Improve Mood, Overcome Anxiety, and Protect Memory for a Lifetime of Optimal Mental Health
Dr. Georgia Ede
Podcasts/YouTubes mentioned:
Keto Maria https://www.youtube.com/@MariaEmmerich
Kelly Hogan https://www.youtube.com/@myzerocarblife
Dr. Ken Berry https://www.youtube.com/@KenDBerryMD
Dr. Shawn Baker https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC99hyfVlVP17XOic3K1_IvQ
Dr. Anthony Chaffee https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoRyR_nlesKZuOlEjWRXQQ
Dr. Robert Kiltz https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCogDXio0z4rbQP9vTh2i8qg
5 Minute Body/Carvivore with guest speaker Dr. Georgia Ede https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/carivore-diet/id1635926128?i=1000662170419
Other resources mentioned:
Code One Concierge https://www.code1concierge.com/
Qui Sugar Summit quitsugarsummit.com
Books: Bright Line Eating by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. Free quiz here!
Joan highly recommends reading:
The Essential Guide to Intermittent Fasting for Women by Megan Ramos
The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung
https://quitsugarsummit.com/ Great education here!
Other Books: Change Your Diet Change Your Mind by Dr. Georgia Ede
Fiber Menace: The Truth About The Leading Role Of Fiber In Diet Failure, Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Etc. By Konstantin Monastyrsky
#dreamcatalyst #liveyourdreams #inspirational #dreambig
Discover, Inspire & Empower Your Dreams
Dream Catalyst
📧 Joan@Dream-Catalyst.com